Success with AI starts by understanding where your organization is today–and seeing what's possible tomorrow. created a framework for understanding and measuring GTM AI Maturity.


There are five levels of AI maturity in sales organizations


No Automation

Sales organizations at Level 0 currently have no AI-driven automation systems in place.

Top Challenges

  • Reps are bogged down with manual tasks like account planning, data entry, and meeting prep.
  • CRM data is incomplete and/or inaccurate.
  • Leaders are using gut feelings and anecdotal data to coach reps, forecast, and make strategic decisions.
Automation Gauge

Organizations at Level 0 have nowhere to go but up! There is a lot of opportunity to use data to improve team efficiency and effectiveness and drive more revenue.


Minimal Automation

Sales organizations at Level 1 have minimal automation tools in place. 

Top Challenges

  • Data is scattered and siloed across the entire GTM organization.
  • Account plans are manually updated and become out-of-date quickly.
  • Missing quotas due to poor forecasting with anecdotal information from reps and gut feelings rather than real-time data.
Automation Gauge

Organizations at Level 1 understand the importance of using technology to improve manual processes but teams are still spending a significant amount of time and manual effort on workflows. It’s time to start building scale into processes by collecting and unlocking the data needed to move to levels 2 and 3.


Partial Automation

Sales organizations at Level 2 are leveraging partial automation in their business processes. 

Top Challenges

  • Data capture is automated for certain functions but the data is scattered and unorganized with no single authority.
  • Reps are burdened with different workflows for each automation solution.
  • Disjointed solutions don't communicate, preventing a holistic view of your business and resulting in a disjointed customer experience.
Automation Gauge

Organizations at Level 2 might be getting some data-driven insights from AI but current tools are mostly point solutions that focus on a single aspect of sales and data lives in silos. Sales leaders are still missing key pieces of the revenue story, making achieving success with each member of your sales team an ongoing challenge. Unlocking GTM data is the key to unleashing the value of AI and having a holistic view of the business. 


Advanced Automation

Sales organizations at Level 3 are leveraging advanced automation in their business processes. 

Top Challenges

  • Reps have to closely monitor AI to make sure the actions it is taking are appropriate and desired.
  • Not all AI tools are created equal. Leaders must make sure the tool they’re using is accurately and comprehensively capturing relevant data across the GTM organization. 
Automation Gauge

AI Maturity in sales organizations at Level 3 is more advanced than most. They have a strong data foundation and a centralized AI. Teams are running efficiently using advanced automation. Reps have more data-backed insights into opportunities and customers, and leadership has real-time insights into the state of the business.


High Automation

Sales organizations at Level 4 are leveraging high levels of automation in their business processes. 

Top Challenges

  • With any new technology, mistakes and errors are possible. Have a protocol in place to monitor your AI outputs and address this if it happens.
  • AI is an evolving technology and Information Security teams must make sure vendors and tools are secure.
Automation Gauge

Organizations at Level 4 are more mature in their AI usage than nearly all of their competitors. AI is generating and completing actions and next steps while their team manages the AI and can override when desired. Early AI adopters who fall into this category will always have more historical data based on their function and field.

Take Assessment

Ready to find out how your sales organization is doing with AI?

Take the GTM AI Maturity Assessment.

With your results, you’ll get recommended next steps and expert tips on how to reach the next level of success using AI.

10 questions, 5 minutes, no email address required

What function does your role sit in?

Question 1

How do you track your reps' activity?

Question 2

How happy are you with your CRM hygiene?

Question 3

Where are your AI and automation solutions sourcing their data?

Question 4

How are AI and automation incorporated into your current tech stack?

Question 5

How is your sales team doing email prospecting?

Question 6

How is your sales team managing phone prospecting?

Question 7

How are you building and using account plans?

Question 8

What does your rep coaching look like?

Question 9

How are you conducting sales forecasting?

Start over


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Question 1

How do you track your sales activity?

Question 2

How happy are you with your CRM hygiene?

Question 3

Where are your AI and automation solutions sourcing their data?

Question 4

How are AI and automation incorporated into your current tech stack?

Question 5

How are you conducting sales forecasting?

Question 6

How are you building and using Account Plans?

Question 7

How do you handle deal inspection? (e.g.: MEDDPIC)

Question 8

How do you handle opportunity management?

Question 9

How to you create executive summaries?

Start over


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